
Fashion through recycling

The 4th Solidarity FabLabs challenge!

Lisungi Fablab  -  Democratic Republic of the Congo

Three women aged 19 to 23 on forced breaks from their studies trained in the FabLab, where they designed a line of clothing and accessories made from recycled materials such as thread, bottle tops, waste wood, bags and thrown-away fabric. Helped by a stylist, they made dresses, jackets, jewellery and more with digital tools: PCs with modelling software, embroidery machines, cutters, 3D printers, etc. Next step: partnerships with economic actors in the city to raise awareness of recycling and creation of a start-up.



The project in photos



Vote for the third Solidarity FabLab challenge!

Since 2015, we have offered free training in our Solidarity FabLabs to young people leading difficult lives. In the FabLabs they learn digital manufacturing, teamwork and perhaps a future trade. Our international challenge is aimed at them. It allows them to use our FabLabs to develop a project from A to Z and show everything they are capable of doing today. This year, it is all about using digital technology to devise and produce creations for the worlds of fashion, design and the arts.
